AromaTru Blog

Embrace the Essence of Summer with Organic Mandarin Essential Oil

Written by AromaTru | May 24, 2023 6:16:36 PM

As the sun ascends to its zenith and a warm breeze caresses our skin, we eagerly anticipate the arrival of a season of endless possibilities! With Memorial Day marking the unofficial start of Summer, it’s the perfect time to prepare for the invigorating days ahead. And what better way to infuse your home or office with an atmosphere of joyful, relaxed optimism than by discovering the uplifting qualities of Organic Mandarin essential oil? This captivating oil, with its fruity-fresh, sweet-citrus scent, has the power to transform any space into an oasis of tranquility and delight.



A Fruitful History Rooted in Tradition

Mandarin essential oil carries a history dating back thousands of years to the realm of traditional Chinese medicine. The mandarin orange, native to Southeastern Asia and the Philippines, didn’t find its way to the western world until the early 19th century. It traveled from Canton to England, and eventually made its home in the Mediterranean region, particularly Italy, by 1850. From there, it journeyed across the Atlantic to New Orleans, Florida, and finally to California. Now, this captivating citrus oil holds a cherished
place in modern aromatherapy.



The Benefits of Diffusing Mandarin Essential Oil

  • Its calming nature may help reduce anxiety and promote a sense of relaxation and well-being.
  • The aroma promotes a sense of relief from queasiness and helps soothe an upset stomach.
  • Promotes feelings of joy, optimism, and overall positivity.


Delightful Playtime

The sweet-fruity fragrance of Mandarin essential oil is particularly adored by children. To ensure happy and contented playtime, diffusing Organic Mandarin together with Sweet Orange and Lime essential oils creates an uplifting and cheerful atmosphere, sparking their imagination and fostering a sense of joy.



Finding Serenity with this Summer Scent

For those seeking gentle anxiety relief, blending our Organic Mandarin essential oil with True Lavender and Geranium offers a harmonious combination that promotes relaxation and tranquility. Their delicate floral notes beautifully complement Mandarin’s citrusy sweetness, providing a sanctuary of calm in the midst of life’s busyness. So, infuse your surroundings with the scents of summer and let the enchanting essence of Mandarin essential oil carry you away.

Try our Organic Mandarin essential oil in the AromaTru Waterless Diffuser and breathe easy. With no water to worry about and the guaranteed purity of AromaTru’s organic or wildcrafted essential oils, your only focus will be on creating your own customized aromatherapy experience.